Tuesday, January 23, 2007


An upset stomach providing the inability to sleep allowed me to watch almost everything that was on TV last night, well at least the three hour long dramas. The two really good, addictive ones featured a list. I wonder if since Nathan and Jack's Sister in Law are the same person if Jack's Dad is on the Heroes list?

Heroes - What a pretty damn good episode to come back from break on. Nothing major happened except the Heroes start to congregate with each other. Hiro and Ando were just hilarious as usual. Mohinder is obviously On The List and it will be one of the huge plot points in the remaining 10 episodes to reveal his actual power. Next week, Sulu!

24 - Nothing much going on except some weird nuclear disaster issues that were handled not so well. In addition the response from the US, somebody would get their ass kicked and it would happen quickly. Nothing else seemed to happen, oh yeah, that bald guy brother thing was um, unforeseen to say the least. Now I need to watch Season 5 again to see if any clues are there.

Studio 60 - What can I say, the man can write TV even if I don't really like the subject.


Brad said...

I so agree - i didn't watch 24 because I could watch during Hero's commercials and know what is going on. I'm starting to think that 24 could be 24 minutes long.

Heros has me so entertained. Sooo entertained. Just when something might seem to heavy in the show, along comes hiro to make me laugh.

And I tend to watch Studio 60 just because it's after heros but i enjoy it a lot [I also like 30 Rock but don't tell anyone]. The lines in Studio 60 are great and each episode ends and i want another episode RIGHT NOW just because of the last line or feeling brought at the end of episodes.

TMac said...

I love 24 but it is only there as a roller coaster ride not to be an in-depth show. Heroes however is just an illustration on how to start a fanboy tv show.

The1GWiz said...

So yeah, the "brother" reveal was the big twist I mentioned to ya. Pleasantly shocking at first before it felt like a big veer towards the side of a cliff as "the eeeee-vil brother" aspect sank in :[ Watched Heroes in the wee hours and definitely prefered it to 24. So on Harold Lederer's scorecard, in their head-to-head matchup:
Heroes 1
24 0