Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Game Time

I leave for Los Angeles in about 12 hours or so. I'm really torn about travel for work. In one regard I really do love to travel. I love to see different parts of the country or world. Traveling for work is even better, everything is paid for by the company. I love doing the convention thing also, it is something I've paid my own money to do, I just like the geek thing. The convention thing also provides the chance to show off the the public, it is game time. I work all year planning events like these, now I get to go meet the public and see them enjoy something I've worked really hard to plan and create.

The downside to work travel is that I get to spend less time with my family. I really don't like to leave my family for long periods of time. I've worked away from home on three different jobs now, it just doesn't get any easier. They both understand it and we all are to the point where it is just a part of life. It is really nice that I travel just enough to earn travel rewards equal to a nice trip once a year or so. It isn't enough travel however to make me miss that much time, I only take about ten trips a year or so, not that much time away from home.

This trip is to GenCon So Cal, not really the best show of them all but it is decent show. GenCon runs a solid show, they aren't mismanaged or anything and it is in Anaheim, can't beat that.

This show is also just JDub and I in terms of company employees. We do have the big three (as they're called around the office) volunteers to make life that much easier on us. Traveling with JDub is lots of fun, we work really well together and have a good time at shows. There is a great story about the last time we were the only two traveling.

JDub, Triple G, and I were going out to dinner in Chicago, there was a highly recommended deep dish place and we were all excited about checking it out. JDub and I were on one end of the hallway with Triple G's room on the other. I walk down to get Triple G but JDub either forgot something in our room or was just running late. So I'm about 30 feet ahead of JDub and have already knocked on Triple G's door when JDub decides to do his brilliant maneuver. JDub decides to run down the hallway, for whatever reason all three of us are still wondering including JDub himself. He is taking huge steps, making all sorts of noise running down the hall. Triple G can even hear him in his room and hurries to see what the noise was. Well in mid-stride poor JDub loses his shoe. That of course causes JDub to lose his balance, fall, and start to roll. The cheap carpet in the hallway of the Double Tree mixed with the fact he was running actually causes JDub some injuries. Despite feeling bad for JDub's misfortune, Triple G and I can't stop laughing, it was just damn funny. Picture JDub rolling on the ground, stumbling to get up, and his shoe 10 feet behind him, I'm even laughing writing about it.

Gotta love conventions. If you can make it to GenCon SoCal I hope to see you there, maybe we can get a game in.


Jason said...

Yep, I laughed re-reading it too.

Unknown said...

Huzzah for the big three! :-) It is ironic, though, that the big three are three of the smallest gamers you'll find out there...assuming, of course, you're refering to Triple G, Fusion, and Bygood. Otherwise I'm just talking out of my ass as I seem to often do.

BubbaJoe said...

I certainly hope it is you three, cause I sure as heck am not volunteering... =)

I gots some foils to win!!! =)

theprettybird said...

I don't remember you telling me this story. Were you drunk when this happened or something?