Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Save the Cheerleader - Save the World!

I know, I know, Girard has already used that title but I just love it, why not use it for my first Heroes post. I'm not really going to talk too much about how much Pretty Bird and I love the show, I mean how can you not, it has Tim Sale art in it! One of the episodes so far was even written by Jeph Loeb.

But to the reason of the post, a nice PSA. has done a really good job with their official website. It includes a download of the latest episode, a clip show recap, a suplimental web comic, some forums, plus the greatest thing Hiro's Blog. If you're a fan of the show the blog is just a trip, very funny from the best character of the show.

Remember, Save the Cheerleader - Save the World!

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