Thursday, February 28, 2008


Quick without it looking it up if you can tell Ronald Reagan or John McCain's middle name then you can feel free to call him Barack Hussein Obama. Naw, even then you can't do that. Give me a reference when the last time someone referred to John McCain using his middle name and then it is okay for you to use Obama's middle name. You idiot ass people are the reason the republican party has been run into the ground.

Man I hope we get our ass kicked in November. Granted I'd much prefer us getting our ass kicked and having the democrats actually do something unlike the 2006 Congress that hasn't done shit. Newt is ushered in and is able to push Clinton around some and that was against a very popular president. Pelosi becomes Speaker and Congress hasn't done anything in 13 months.

1 comment:

Jason said...

I know Reagan's middle name but not McCain's.