Monday, November 12, 2007

Veteran's Day

On the anniversary of the end of the War to End All Wars we remember our veterans. (Veteran's Day is actually the 11th but we Americans need our holidays to be on a Friday or Monday.) I am the proud son of a veteran. To every veteran out there thanks, To the ones who didn't come home you are remembered.

End reflection, enter political rant.

Now if we can pull the 150,000+ men and women (I should say boys and girls since most of them are younger than I am) out of Iraq and let them come home. I am not 'opposed' to war, well I'm opposed in the sense that I think it is stupid. I however live in the real world and realize there are times it is necessary. This insurgency into Iraq, even if it had the beginnings of validity years ago, is not necessary. No clear mission, no goals, out proper outcome and men and women are just dying. Completely unacceptable. Let's bring them home and have more of them in parades celebrating Veteran's Day 2007 and less in coffins remembering their sacrifice.

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