Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Super Tuesday

Sure the Super Bowl is Sunday but Super Tuesday is next Tuesday. I strongly believe that an American President impacts the daily life of an American far less than the public thinks they do. That being said the a president is a big deal and Tuesday will go a long way towards deciding who is the next president. I know, I normally don't talk about religion or politics but I'm getting older so I feel I should share my opinions more often.

I'm a registered republican married to a left-wing nut job democrat. I'm not a republican because I hate gays or want to save all unborn babies but kill the doctors who perform abortions. I don't think God drives my daily life or that we should be bomb the shit out of any country that gets in our way. I strongly believe that a larger government is inherently less free than a smaller one. In theory I don't believe the way to solve problems is to tax the wealthy to make for the poor, although in practice there are times that is necessary. I think local and state governments, having better knowledge about their citizens, should have a much larger role in determining the way those citizens are governed. I think a strong national defense, albeit not one that invades countries because we're bored, is incredibly important.

I think I'll spend more time over the next 10 months rambling off my beliefs. If you agree with them great, if not, oh well. So yes I'm a republican, I helped put George Bush in office in 2000. What can I say, I was not and still not a fan of Al Gore. I still am a huge fan of George H.W. Bush, sorry. I however do not toe the party line at all costs. George W. Bush is one of the worst presidents in history. I voted for that awful candidate the democrats nominated in 2004, John Kerry, because he couldn't do worse than President Bush was doing.

That brings me to my point in this post, nominate a real candidate. You've nominated Al Gore and John Kerry and yet wonder why you've lost the last two elections. The republican party needs to lose and reform itself, it must distance itself from the Bush/Cheney regime and the 'family values' interest groups. Losing the White House in 2008 will help my party a lot in the next 12 to 20 years, winning it will not be good.

The democrats are doing everything possible to allow the republicans to win the White House in November. The republicans are better than the democrats, it is easier for them to win. Republicans are much more likely to follow the party line than democrats. Republicans make up a majority of the upper class so they are more likely to be motivated to vote. Republicans make sure to put key issues on the ballot in swing states because they know it will drive the far right to the polls to vote and they might as vote for President. The republican party is just better at getting someone elected president.

Since 1952 three democrats have taken the White House from the republicans. Carter defeated Ford and Ford was never elected to anything above senator. Clinton won mainly because of Ross Perot. Only Kennedy won in a real election vs. a real candidate. JFK's win was very close and is tainted with the election fraud stuff from Illinois. I'm not saying any of them were bad presidents, well yes, Jimmy Carter was a bad president. Bill Clinton was incredibly popular and couldn't get Al Gore elected, the democrats are just bad. You keep nominating the wrong people.

I wrote how the republicans are good at putting issues on the ballot to drive republican voters to go out and vote and they are very good. In November they might not have to. You're seriously thinking about nominating the poster child for the republican hate of the democratic party, Hillary Clinton. Nominate Hillary Clinton and watch the republicans drive to the polls in huge numbers.

Being a republican, I know the secret handshake and everything, I have republican friends and family. Being a gamer and working in the industry I do, plus my wife's friends I have democrat friends as well. I've talked politics with a few of them, more so than I normally do. I can some up the major points pretty easily.

Most republicans I know are not happy with Bush either. Some are like me and feel bad for voting for him.
Most also didn't like Gore or Kerry.
Most of them wouldn't be too upset with a loss in November since McCain and Romney aren't exactly Abraham Lincoln.

Conversation about Obama with a conservative person I know, "yeah Obama's got some good things to say, I just wish he was more than just a one term senator."

Conversation about Clinton with that same conservative person, "I will vote for anyone other than Hillary Clinton."

Obviously my questions aren't worded like a poll and my sample size of a dozen or so people isn't exactly indicative of the entire country. Still every single person I've talked to has expressed almost exactly the same sentiment towards Obama and Clinton as I wrote above. Please on Tuesday or whenever your primary is, be smart and nominate a candidate who can win in November.

Vote Obama

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