Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Blogging Blues

Some days I just don't have much to write about. The problem is every time I think about a topic to write about I just want to bitch about the Steelers. I'm sure I'll think of some other topic eventually and back in my blog groove.


Anonymous said...

There's always Disney!

Roycer said...

It doesn't help when the playoffs are just gearing up! Need to find a distraction!

Jason said...

Think of the starving children in Detroit. Their team hasn't been to the playoffs in years.

Anonymous said...

You could always write about how you and your mother almost decked a couple at dinner the frist night we were at Disney. Although writing about all the wonderful meals we had and the LOW prices we paid amazed me. Lunch with Cinderla in the castle with Emily just doesn't get much better.