Thursday, February 8, 2007


Talk about an absolutely great episode of Heroes this week. I think one of the things I really respect about the show is how they truly recognize their audience and appeal/market to them on every level they can. The NBC website is great, the commercials are well thought out, they just know what they are doing. Having spent the last four plus years of my life trying to make/sell products to the geeky side of our culture I really respect something this popular that really gets it.

One other thing they really get is guest stars. If you're running Friends and you want a guest star for sweeps you need to bust out Bruce Willis or Brad Pitt. Sure those are popular stars and actually pretty good actors, I'm sure they improve ratings and help promoting fringe fans to check it out. Those stars however cost a lot of money. Heroes however adds people like George Takei and Christopher Eccleston, much cheaper but makes the geeks just as happy.


Jason said...

Who's Christopher Eccleston?

Mkae said...


The1GWiz said...

Jeebuz, JDub, one would think a nerd such as yourself would be on top of the latest incarnation of the BBC's Doctor Who! I'm disappointed. -tsk tsk tsk-

Go to your local video store and get a hold of it, it's high quality.

Jason said...

Trevor told me today that he was Dr. Who. My response was "Well, who hasn't been Dr. Who?" We need about 6 more Firefly TV shows before we need another Dr. Who.