Thursday, January 11, 2007

Crazy Driving

First let me say go me with my qualified prediction of a UF upset over THE OSU.

Now onto the crazy driving I've witnessed over the past 24 hours.

First the craziness.

Yesterday about 6:00pm on a rather busy, four lane plus middle turning lane, there was a crazy guy on a bicycle. I'm in the left lane heading north, the traffic is moving pretty quick but there is a good bit of traffic. The bicycle guy jumps out onto the road heading west (across traffic) directly in front of the truck to my right. The truck breaks then the bike goes north for about 20 feet then pulls out directly in front of me. I'd already slowed down at this point which is good, he goes north for about 10 feet then heads west again. On his trek he almost gets hit by a car heading south. Once he reached the side of the road he zooms back across the road heading east almost getting hit a few times. Once again when he reach the other side he went back across completely ignoring the cars. At this point I can't see him in my mirror anymore but I decide to call the police. I'm fairly certain he is on drugs, drunk, or just trying to get hit by a car. I just let the police know he is just zooming back and forth trying not to avoid traffic. I didn't read about a man in a bike being killed so hopefully he didn't get hit.

The second crazy thing was this morning. There is only one way out of my complex and in the morning there are these two girls who set up what can only be described as a lemonade or hotdog stand. We live with a lot of construction worker or daylabor types and I guess they buy whatever food they are selling. They set up about 25 feet from the end of the complex. It is usually very annoying because there is usually at least one car just stopped in the exit way of the complex buying some random food thing. Today there is no one parked and I'm the third car in a line of cars leaving the place, me, a huge white truck which I can't see around, and a car. Before we reach the end of the complex the truck breaks and then swerves to the left. I obviously slow down but eventually have to swerve as well. The car in front of the truck has decided to back up quickly to the food stand, with apparently no regard for the fact that there were cars behind him. He just stopped, put it in reverse, stepped on the gas, and wanted a hotdog.


The fun things were just me enjoying my new Mustang.

Yesterday Jdub and I were out to lunch and we took the interstate back even though we didn't need to because I wanted to open the Mustang up a little. Not a lot of traffic, only 2.5 miles between exits. There was enough traffic and it being at 12:45 that I decided to slow down. We were up to about 95 or so, in fourth, at about 5500 RPMs so she had plenty more to give. Maybe when I don't have a passenger and not on a busy road we can see what she'll actually do.

Today after the I finally get on the road some guy wants to be a jerk. The back way I take to work is two by two lanes but eventually goes to one by one. At the light before it goes down to just two lanes total I'm in the left where the lane will still be in 150 ft or so and then there is a Honda Civic in the right lane. Apparently he was trying to get my attention, he wants to cut in front of me to avoid the lane disappearing but apparently I didn't look his way fast enough or he is wired wrong or something. He has his turn signal on and I look over after he laid on his horn, then he points towards me, indicating he wants to get over. Before I can even register what he is doing he flicks me off and honks again. Then he starts to rev up his circa 1995 Honda Civic. Normally I wouldn't try and take some guy off the line but was a little fun.

2006 Mustang 1, 1995 Honda Civic 0

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