Friday, March 31, 2006

For the love of all that is holy

My job deals with the public, either retailers, players, distributors, volunteers, tournament organizers. In a typical week I talk to a few dozen players/volunteers/tournament organizers plus an additional 20 or so retailers. I don't know most of them from Adam. Emails like these just don't offer much help.

"I didn't get my prize support"
"My rating is wrong"
"I have a store in western Colorado can I be listed in your store locator"
"I would like to host tournaments"
"My tournament organizer made a mistake"
"I want to apply for an event"

All of these without things like your name or location. Even an email set up correctly so it gives me your name instead of saying it is from the Hydro Alchemist is a start. Grrr... I spend so much time replying to them trying to get the correct information. My favorite this week is someone complaining about his tournament organizer.

Random player email to me "My TO made X mistake, he isn't very good" or some slightly longer email with no real information.

Trevor to random player "I need more information such as the event date, location, the TOs name, your name"

Random now named player to me "My name is X, the TO was Bill, it was on a Saturday at the store I usually play at"

The youth of America, just awesome.


TheGirard said...

X card is broken!!!!! you are going to lose so much business unless you fix it.

Hayden said...

In the old days kids like that would get eaten by T-rexes and such. I miss those days. Weretofore art thou Natural Selection?

Jason said...

My favorite was the one that someone sent direct to Warren saying "THE RULINGS JASON WINTER IS MAKING IS BREAKING THE GAME!!!"

Anonymous said...

Be thankful you don't have to deal with middle aged women with attitudes and entitlement issues.

Brad said...

You should just not answer any emails about Terrell Owens. That guy is trouble and ... oh, wait – TO stands for TOurnament Organizer in this post, doesn't it?

Sorry, about that ...

Mkae said...

You forgot some TMac:

- I don't have a store but want to buy your product at wholesale. How can I do that?
- I have an Internet store and want to sell your product at discount. How do I do that?
- I equate your game to pornography so I won't sell it. But I still want to get your free promos, how do I do that?
- (At GTS, after setting his FUCKING DRINK down on our board game which was set up for demos) Yeah, I need your licensing contact at [insert movie studio] because I've invented a game that's better than yours and I can't get them to return my calls.

Natural fucking selection indeed.

Jason said...

Maybe if our game was popular enough, we'd get those kind of people :)