Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Why do today...what can be put off until tomorrow?

Well I guess it is time I joined the fun and started blogging, I guess peer pressure really does work. My wife has spent the last two years trying to convince me it was something I must do. Friends and ex-coworkers have all told me it is a 'great way to keep in touch'. All of that is great encouragement it is nice to know that friends and family can push you towards wasting time on the internet. I guess it will offer me a way to have my friends and family keep in touch with my family, to know what is going on, strong meaningful stuff like that.

That isn’t the reason I’m going to blog though, I’m going to blog just because I can see it as fun way to talk about life and the interesting stuff life throws at you everyday. Don’t expect something in terms of a regular update, like the title says “Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow”.


Anonymous said...

I knew you'd cave.

Love, Julie

Hayden said...

It's about time!

Mkae said...

Welcome aboard loser!